Welcome !
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Have you moved agencies?
Please note that if you have moved agencies, you are NOT required to create a new profile.
Your unique username and password will follow you wherever you go.
At this time we are working on a program for you to update this information on your own, in the meantime you may contact
the TravelBrands Loyalty Department at
to assist you with the change.
In your message to TravelBrands Loyalty, please provide your former and new agency phone numbers.

* denotes required fields

Personal Information

 /  (MM/DD)

Agency Details

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Are you going on a vacation? Will you be out of the office for an extended period of time? Here you can give access to your files to a colleague in your office. Follow these steps to assign an eBuddy®.
The person selected here will have full access to your bookings including applying payments and accessing the eDocs.

Authentication Information

Do not use non-letter or number characters in your registration. Maximum 10 digits permitted

Please enter the 10 digit agency phone number and agency password. This is required, in order to associate your account to the correct agency.
Please enter an agent user name and password. This agent name should be used for all future bookings with TravelBrands.
Please note that there will be a 2 hours delay before you can fully access www.travelbrandsagent.com after you click «Save».
We are sorry for this inconvenience.
